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Chiropractic Care for Dogs

Many owners are surprised at how much benefit dogs can derive from chiropractic care. Often, signs of discomfort in your animal's joints go unnoticed, but owners will observe changes in activity, mood and behaviour as these are the foremost signs of a problem.


A gentle touch and movements of your dogs spine and joints ease the underlying stress and improve the health and motion of the area.


As part of the treatment offered, I also conduct stance and gait analysis. I do this to evaluate your dog’s overall musculoskeletal health and provide treatment to improve mobility and lessen pain.


The goal of chiropractic treatment is an improved posture and a reduction in pain.


According to VCA Animal Hospital, chiropractic treatment can lead to immediate results. When applied correctly, adjustments may alleviate or even eliminate the need for long-term medicine treatments.


It's important to know when to seek help. Here are some of the signs you can look out for in your dog's health:

What to look for

Dog Chiropractor Bristol

Reluctance to move

Abnormal posture

Difficulty climbing stairs

Struggling to jump up

Dog Chiropractor Bristol

Signs of pain when moving

In pain when being picked up


Reluctance to jump

Dog Chiropractor Bristol

Altered sitting position

Uneven muscle tone

Licking granulomas

Chronic lameness

All animals treated need to have vets permission beforehand

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